Legal services

Criminal and Traffic Matters

Can assist in all matters in the criminal jurisdiction including family violence offences, assault, dishonesty offences, firearm offences, drink driving and Restricted Licence Applications and any other criminal matters.  Can also assist in Working with Children, Security Licences and other procedural licences where criminal convictions are taken into consideration.

Family Violence and Restraint Orders.

Can appear in applying, amending and opposing both Family Violence Orders and Restraint Orders. Can assist in the drafting of applications, affidavits in response and appearances in these matters.

Child Protection Cases

Assists in child protection matters and will appear in court for parents who are experiencing issues with the department or have had a Child Protection Application before the court.

Mental Health Tribunal and Guardianship Board

Appears on listings before the Guardianship Board and the Mental Health Tribunal.

Family Law

Can assist in negotiations and Family dispute resolution conferences. Assisting primarily in children’s matters.

Neighbourhood disputes

These matters whilst often seeming trivial are amongst the most upsetting and common of legal issues. Can advise and assist in neighbourhood disputes, boundary fence applications and difficulties with trees and other civil disputes arising.